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Energetic Frequency Healing

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What are Energetic Healing Frequency Services?

Learn from our practitioner, Nicole about our services and equipment.

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Zyto Biofeedback Scan

A Zyto biofeedback session is performed while seated comfortably in a chair and in discussion with a technician guiding the session. The scan is completed by resting your hand on a device that monitors electrodermal activity. This activity is also referred to as galvanic skin response (GSR). 

This GSR measures the skin’s electrical changes in response to the sweat gland activity in the palms and fingers. Galvanic skin response gives us a window into the responses of the autonomic response system to a myriad of stimuli that the scan introduces to your body.

During a session we ask the biology to respond to specific stimuli and the response is recorded. ZYTO software is designed to focus on what may be causing stress or negative potential in a person’s body as well as what brings balance and a better state of health. While this scan is not a replacement for diagnostic lab testing it can give a view of what’s going on in the body currently. We can give the body a chance to speak for itself and create a discussion based on those responses.

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What can be attained in a Zyto session?

• Your scan results are an invitation to have an in-depth discussion about diet, food, lifestyle choices, and self-supportive practices, creating an opportunity to reevaluate your approach and infuse new information.

• It presents an opportunity to learn about other healing modalities that may support you in your health goals.

• It’s also a place to discuss your current supplement regimens and some possible new suggestions based on the body’s responses.

• The aim of each scan is to extend a better understanding of the body’s needs so your choices and effort are better directed.

• Each session is a place to be heard, understood, supported and even celebrated for the awareness you’re cultivating.

A Zyto scan, while helpful, is not relied upon solely as a diagnosis, nor does it replace the sound judgment of your treating physician.

Zyto Initial Scan 90 minutes - $120

Zyto Follow Up Scan 60 Minutes - $80

Frequency Specific Therapy (FST)

Frequency Specific Therapy is the application of electromagnetic frequencies to the body with intentions to create a positive change by targeting a specific area, or the body in its entirety. A generator is programmed with frequencies chosen to address specific concerns and/or illnesses. These frequencies are then applied directly using tens pads or hand cylinders, indirectly by using a plasma or scalar field positioned closely to the body, or a combination of therapies. Treatments are given sitting or lying down comfortably.

Frequency specific therapy has a long history beginning in the 1940’s with Royal Raymond Rife and is continued today by many researchers, most notably Anthony Holland. Mr. Holland has had great success with killing cancer cells by creating resonant frequencies. The therapy is based on the concept that all matter vibrates at a unique vibrational frequency. With a frequency database that has been continuously cultivated from the original Rife frequencies to the present day, shared research and decades of use and testing, a wide database of treatments exists for almost any condition or issue.

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Therapeutic applications of FST

• Specific frequencies have been effective in targeting micro-organisms relieving conditions involving chronic infection.

• May improve the ability of blood cells to carry oxygen.

• Aims at reducing pain, repairing tissue, enhancing nerve repair and circulation, and speeding up post-surgery recovery.

• Typically has a calming effect on hyperactivity and high stress.

• Can be used to aid meditation and contemplation.

• Promotes detoxification.

• Restores a healthy electrical charge into our cells and tissues.

• Offers optimal frequencies for the body to resonate with, to enhance healing through exposure and entrainment.

• Scalar fields can lower EMF exposure during a session.

• A Biofeedback scan creates a personalized treatment based on your body’s response to a wide array of frequencies.

• Frequency Specific Therapy can be added simultaneously to other services including ionic footbaths, reflexology, and massage. During and after most sessions no noticeable side effects are felt. In some use cases a detox reaction or Herxheimer reaction may occur. These are often flu-like symptoms which can be a part of your body working to find balance and function better on a cellular level.

Our resources and tools offer a wide array of ways to apply frequencies that can be paired and scheduled together. If you’re not sure where to start we can schedule a conversation to discuss the best way to approach your unique situation.

30 Minute Session - $25

60 Minute Session - $45

90 Minute Session - $60

Frequency Specific Therapy (FST)
with Frequency Biofeedback Scan

90 minutes - $95

For those interested in owning their own RIFE/frequency healing equipment, or who currently have their own equipment and need instruction, we also offer training sessions.

Frequency Specific Training

60 Minute Session - $75

120 Minute Session - $150

Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF)

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency. Pulsed electromagnetic frequency is applied to the body while laying down or sitting in a chair. Added entrainment to the field is offered through optional light and sound applied with wearable headgear. Your treatment is quiet, private, and relaxing. PEMF can be added onto any of the services we offer and is a great way to begin or finish a spa visit. PEMF uses low-level electromagnetic frequency to heal damaged tissue, relieve injury related pain, assist in detoxification and positively affect the blood and blood vessels.

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Therapeutic benefits of PEMF

• Pain relief/pain management

• Healthy heart function

• Improved circulation and blood flow

• Improved sleep/fuller sleep cycles

• Improved muscle performance

• Reduction in stress and anxiety

• Enhanced healing, repair, and recovery

• Reduction of inflammation and swelling

• Cellular restoration

• Improved production of ATP and mitochondria

• Assists in detoxification

• Relief of Herxheimer reactions

How does it Work?

A PEMF therapeutic device utilizes pulsing magnetic fields, generated through coils of wire forming a solenoid. Most pathology in the body is preceded by a drop in the charge of our cells. Introducing a low-level electromagnetic field into our body's muscles, skeletal system, and organs can restore a healthy charge into our cells and tissues. When charge is restored, cells can replicate and produce a more normal level of cell activity. This restoration allows improvement of our innate potential to heal, that is hard wired at a cellular level.

15 Minute Session - $25

30 Minute Session - $45

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