Placing Patient Refill Orders

Our clients may order refills by emailing or calling 330.928.6685 or by completing order form below. For convenience, we have a supplement drop-box for after-hours pick-ups. Returns are accepted for unopened supplements within 30 days of their purchase date except for refrigerated items. A 5% restocking fee will be charged for all returned products.

Please provide the following information:

* Emailing is the easiest and we recommend you line your supplements up and take a picture of them and email to Just let us know how many of each you would like to order.

  • Your full name and phone number
  • What Supplement(s) (Name, Brand, Size)
  • Quantity
  • Form of Payment (credit card on file ending in ####)
  • Form of Delivery (Ship It, Outside Drop-box, Inside Pickup)
  • Shipping address (If shipping-You can ignore this if you have had us previously ship to you and your address hasn’t changed).
  • CVV (3 digit code) REQUIRED Put in under Special Instructions
  • Be as specific as you can to avoid delay in your refill order
Would you like to pick up your order at our office? *
Would you like us to put your order in our outside dropbox? *
Would you like us to ship your order? *
Form of payment. *

Supplement(s) to order